Selling account with over 3000 hr playtime 58 days left of playtime 7 classes almost all raid ready, no crafting classes 3 mil gil relic pld i270 , 2 hyperconuductive weapons ,3 relic zeta war blm and mnk,fenrir and much much more, iw got this linked with ps4 account ,but got it purchased for pc too, ps4 players cant buy this account, id like to sell it for psn gbp card,or I might make paypal work ,I got all info and im first owner of the account Odin Eu server Fenrir mount and many more http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1488067456/isxcp1qgmldjlxtuk4vp.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1488067518/tghphoi7nmmlx4epont5.jpg