Sold [H] 20th Anniv Mythicals and a few other events [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/DTranscendent, 2/25/17.

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  1. /u/DTranscendent

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    [svirtual] Note: For 20th Anniv mons, price will increase slightly for one with a preferred nature (i.e. Timid Darkrai) and increase more based on IVs.

    -GEN 3-5 Events Wishmaker Jirachis, SUM2013 Mons, Hayley's Mew

    -GEN 6 Events Some things: KOR League Eevee, P-Cafe Pikachu

    -GEN 7 Events SRable Lunar Karp, PC Sapporo Vulpix

    -GEN 6 Comp/Shiny in-game Legendary Pokemon

    -Alexander Hoopas

    -20th Anniversary Darkrais

    -20th Anniversary Keldeos

    -20th Anniversary Victinis

    -Helen Volcanions

    -20th Anniversary Arceus

    -20th Anniversary Meloetta

    -20th Anniversary Shaymin, Jirachi, Celebi

    -COMP 20th Anniversary Pokemon

    -Pokebank Regitrio

    Thanks for taking a look! Reference

    # #/DTranscendent
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