Sold Selling Selling 740 CP Eso Account with Dromathra skin

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by CaliB, 2/24/17.

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  1. CaliB

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    Selling my xbox ESO account has 734 CP, 9 max characters

    Max 9 Characters

    Magicka Templar (9 trait crafter (AD)
    High Elf
    Stamina Dragonknight (AD)
    Stamina Nightblade (AD)
    Magicka Sorcerer (AD)
    High Elf
    Magicka Nightblade (AD)
    High Elf
    Stamina Templar (AD)
    Stamina Sorcerer (EP)
    Magicka DragonKnight (DC)
    Dark Elf
    Magicka Sorcerer (DC)
    Dark Elf

    Mother sorrow, Twice Born light and medium, Burning spellweave, Night Mothers Gaze, Vicious ophidan, Moondancer staffs sharp and swords. All VMA Malestorm weapons sharpened & percise. Gold Jewlery from all trials and all perfect sets of any end game gear of trials and PvP. Some gold mats left over and Dro Mathra skin.

    Many more stuff but would take long to include.

    If interested hmu on kik: Regionals
    Or skype: wetrynna

    BIN: $350
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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