Sold [LF] Any Save File with Unredeemed Events [FT] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/ConquestofGaul, 2/24/17.

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  1. /u/ConquestofGaul

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    I made a similar post at the beginning of last week regarding carts with unredeemed events which was fairly successful & am just posting in the hope I may get lucky finding a user or two with save files they wish to sell.

    I am looking for primarily GEN VI save files with any events un-redeemed, preference would be for JPN or PAL but i'm not too picky. Here's my list below of what i'd be interested in:

    High Priority

    GEN VI

    • JPN XY or ORAS w/ unredeemed Events
    • PAL XY or ORAS w/ unredeemed Events

    Low Priority

    If these save files actually exist...

    • JPN Black or White w/ unredeemed Events
    • KOR Black or White w/ unredeemed Events
    • JPN Black2 or White2 w/ unredeemed Events
    • KOR Black2 or White2 w/ unredeemed Events
    • JPN DPP or HGS/SS w/ unredeemed Events
    • KOR DPP or HGS/SS w/ unredeemed Events

    If you have a save file you wish to sell please let me know and we can discuss a fair price.

    I may show more interest towards PAL files if they have particular uncommon events so please just feel free to offer if you have one you would like to sell! Worst I can say is no :p

    I'd like these to have some sort of proof, it doesn't have to be extensive, I suppose i'd even accept WC if the price is right!

    Not currently interested in Gen VII Files!


    # #/ConquestofGaul
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