Character: Lvl 86 Wiz/Bard Lvl 85 Katar/GS Lvl 82 HS/Shuri Lv 81 GS/Bard Lvl 81 Rav/HS and other alts White Border: Medal Points 2020 Eidolon: 39 Eidolon (including Grimm,Alessa,Zerif,Merilee) Eidolon Points : 2.8m Eidolon Prayer: All done except Faust Rerolled Eido: Diao Chan - 45% storm dmg 25% atkspd Tsubaki - 20% crit dmg 15% flame skill -10%dmg taken Astrea - 45% holy skill dmg 5% mvspd Bel-Chandra - 30% ice dmg 15% storm dmg 25% atk spd Shirayuki - 15% Flame Skill 60crit dmg Achivement Points : 4k+ To Contact Me: [email protected] (skype or gmail)