LVL 55 account ( all skills are 55+auramancy abyssal ready for 55) almost 1 month of patron; guild and family are not included - t3 cloth divine hood, shirt, gloves, shoes - t3 cloth celestial pants - divine gha cloth sleeves - green auroria belt - t4 divine scepter + divine superior stealthfang shield - rank 11 (epic) warrior medal neck, shroudmaster accessories - undergarments (still not upgraded) - 300 warrior medal instrument on arcane (sorcery type) - divine guild cloak - Chimera costume - lvl 55 ursun battle pet Properties: - built cherry treehouse in sunbite - 16x16 solar scarecrow Other stuff: - fully upgraded warehouse and bag (150+150 inventory space) - almost all mats farmed for t4 - 100+ merit badge 100+ gilda 4 login badge etc. In addition I have a lvl 55 char on NA with 150k+ mining basically for apex farming. Contact me via e-mail: [email protected] some recent pictures: I'll provide some more pictures during the next week