Sold Selling 56 Witch / Tamer / Kunoichi / 4 Pets / 3340 Pearls / Value pack

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vizions, 2/24/17.

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  1. Vizions

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    Selling my account with almost one month left on a value pack, four pets (3 birds 1 dog), 3,340 pearls remaining in shop, two tier 3 horses and around 30mil silver in the bank and around 75-80 energy and CP.

    Kunoichi with around
    120 AP
    120 AWAKE
    150 DP

    +15 Liverto / +14 Offhand / DUO Awakening Green Chakram
    Has a mix of +14 to PRI armor, PRI blue coral rings, Scarlas Neck

    Alts are a 56 Tamer and a 56 Witch with mediocre gear/items.
    Around 30 mil in bank.

    Bank is full of Red Nose scrolls - 7 or so at the moment, beer mats, and random saleable loots from mobs that aren't full stack, have a little node system setup for beer + extraction for weapon crafting later, also have nodes out to helms/sausans invested to Level 5 for farming, also have a little investment in Cadry for farming.

    Around 2 weeks left on Olvia XP servers.

    If you want super detailed information or screenshots drop a PM. PM decent offer and I'll sell it to first buyer with rep. Keep in mind the pack+pearls+pets alone is $100 value essentially ready to be "claimed" upon purchase.
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