[Offering] I can sell things IRL for a high price.

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by Solkrush, 2/24/17.

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  1. Solkrush

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    I have sold cheap vapes to kids in highschool, traded cars, resold two go karts then got a dirt bike and sold it, resold shoes, sold Pokémon go snipes in person when that was still relevant, etc

    I have experience selling love you to people, and I want to expand that.

    There are many people on this forum that can get things for extremely cheap or damn near free..

    I want to pay you to help me with ideas, love you to sell, who to target and where to get the product cheap.. i don't know any current big selling niche that people are scowering playerup.com, etc for and would snatch up if they got a good deal. I will pay for your service and I will even happily give you a bit of commission.

    I'll take anyone who can SE, take any advice, etc.. anything helps

    Thanks in advance to anyone capable of helping me out.

    Add my skype: Croxxy.nunja
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