Fresh Start Archemaster Blighter 4.2k GS

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kerbz, 2/23/17.

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  1. Kerbz

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    Warborn ofc, on Reckoning..
    full Leather GHA gear, T3 obby shield, T2 Mistsong ALL celestial
    2 CELES halcyona necklaces (ready to go epic!)
    189 GILDA
    Mirage Elk
    Chest- 4 sockets
    Legs- 4 sockets
    Wep- 3 sockets
    The gear set is ALL done (in my opinion). Just work on getting rich to buy Ayanad armor and focus on bumping up the T3 obby shield.
    Have any screenshots you need!
    Have over 2000g worth of archeum/items/gold + many endgame BoP mats NO apex.
    + Harpoon Clipper with Celes sale, Crest tradepack and Grand Propellant.
    Every class 50+ Aura at 53, Archery 52, Vitalism 52, 55 Battlerage, 55 Def, 55 Shadowplay
    55 loyalty
    2 16x16's in Windscour and 1 x Cottage all connected
    1 16x16 right next to station in Diamond Shores, AURORIA

    level 30 alt with 8x8

    Spent 820 hours into this account which is embarrassing. However, i LOVED this game and collected LOTS of necessities. Somehow, i've lost interest and want to sell this account to someone who will pay a BIG DOLLAR and who will respect the account. Thanks
    Offers only, Let me know :)
    However, if i don't get any offers to my liking i'll end up finishing off the account, breaking it down for APEX and selling it that way.
    Thank you :D
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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