Glad and templar antriksha ely 80/80 goldpacks Hello. I am selling aion account. The account is with veteran rewards 80/80 goldpacks. Have 7 characters on in - glad, temp, AT, Gunner, Sorc, Cleric, Bard. Main char is gladiator: Rank - 2 Starr officer. PVP GEAR - full rank 2 officer set at +15 also rank 1 at +13, full ap accessories set at +0 to +4. AP wings +10, rune tribe polearm. Have many many items more fore pve and pvp. Temp is full rank 1 set at +13 with extended polearm +15. accessories are Rune warrior at +5. I am lazy to write all items on all characters. If you are interested feel free to pm me here i will show you the account in game. Offer me with price too. The account is going also with the creator mail.