Sold [H] Gamestop dog Trio (all have WC proof + 1 unclaimed set!!) [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/TheLtSurge, 2/22/17.

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  1. /u/TheLtSurge

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    So, I was digging through my old video games to sell and came across my bro, sis and my old Gen 4 carts. We all attended the Gamestop dog trio event and i wanted to see if we still had them intact. Luckily for me we did, on top of that my sister had the whole set unclaimed! They don't really care for them so i'm putting them up for bidding on here.

    HIGH BIDDER as of now: r/patricpn @ $60

    So what i have is: UNCLAIMED SET on Platinum cart - OT Lani44 (For proof later on) Raikou - OT: GAMESTP ID: 01031- Wondercard Date: 1/4/11 - Date received=date purchased Entei - OT: GAMESTP ID:01171 - Wondercard Date: 1/20/11 - Date received=date purchased Suicuine - OT: GAMESTP ID: 01311 - Wondercard Date: 2/2/11- Date received=date purchased (from me)

    Have video proof of unclaimed set showing wondercards and also claiming them w/ date received 2/21/17 - Will only PM to those interested for proof

    Upon sale will provided video proof as well as picture of each wondercard or however you specify

    Claimed Set on Soul Silver- Raikou - OT: GAMESTP ID: 01031- Wondercard Date: 1/4/11 - Date received= 1/4/11 - Stats: 97/60/53/84/65/78 untouched lvl 30 Entei - OT: GAMESTP ID:01171 - Wondercard Date: 1/20/11 - Date received= 1/20/11 - Stats: 112/84/59/57/54/68 untouched lvl 30 Suicuine - OT: GAMESTP ID: 01311 - Wondercard Date: 2/2/11- Date received= 2/2/11 - Stats: 106/58/89/60/80/54 untouched lvl 30

    Will provide WC proof upon sale

    Not particularly looking to sell the Unclaimed cart, but for the right price i could change my mind. As far as I know, video proof of these events are extremely rare. Even wondercard proof of the whole set seems to be rare as ive seen sets w/ 2/3 wc proof have gone for 35 dollars on here. gimme your best offers, not really looking for trades. just Paypal.

    EDIT: If the sale goes for more that 70 dollars I will throw in a WISHMKR jirachi, self obtained by myself via colosseum bonus disc. Can't promise nature will be great and basic proof of me obtaining it. OT: WISHMKR ID: 20043

    Haven't had anything of real value until now to sell so my reference is small. Reference

    # #/TheLtSurge
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