Selling Elsword Void ED (VoidEls) Who are you ? I am a random person in this vast world who decided to sell ED to get some real money. Right now i study IT so i think this money will help me buy better equipment. How do I pay ? For now i only accept Paypal ($/). How do we proceed ? 1- You send a PM in the forum and you contact me via Skype: live:sa029_1 2- You choose your value and you tell me when you can be available in game GMT+0. 3- You donate the money to me. 4- You get your ED. The transaction should be done when both of us are connected to avoid any kind of problem, unless you are a regular buyer. How much does it cost ? My rate is 1$/ per 40.000.000 If you are a regular buyer you can get # / gift , depend on the stock. I want my client to be happy and i will try my best to do so. How much time you plan to Sell ED ? I plan to stay on the business the longest time possible. How much ED can you make per day ? It depend on the market , the item that i drop , and the number of dungeon that i do, i can't give exact value but i noticed that i can always manage 100.000.000 per day as a minimum( After v2.0 stuff got harder ). Current Stock : 600.000.000 Selling (1) Amulet +10 for 120$/ Update : Finally got what i wanted !!! I will sell any +10 once found so wish me luck !!! ( Still didn't open them ) Update : The store open again after figuring out how to gain ED with the new update, it got way harder and i don't gain as much as before but that will not affect the current rate , and i still didn't open all XMAS Burner (it take forever to open them all ). If you have suggestion or any question you can ask me !!!