Sold NA|ALL Lv60 Multi bis class|all 2.0 +6 relic|5 270 relic 8 210 relic with many

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zhangxi689, 2/20/17.

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  1. zhangxi689

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    I decide to sell my account because of my real life.
    I played this account for 3+ years, and have all 2.0 relic done.
    DRG WAR BLM SMN BRD 270 relic, and other 8 animated relics are 210 already.
    I also have many upgrade item for those 210 relic.
    Most class are pre-bis, and I have so many pages from a9s-a12s so you can directly get bis gear for whatever class you like.
    There are some ilv250 class in the pic because of the 210 relic. If I put an 255+ primal weapon or 275 alex weapon, ilv will be 260+.
    Bis-Disciples of The Hand/Land gears
    2+million of MGP
    1300+ PVP rank, likely to get the PVP mount of this season.

    PM your OFFER
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