Selling Selling [NA] WTS Double Os Kirito & Silica with their OS Weapons

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Setsuna, 2/20/17.

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  1. Setsuna

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    I managed to pull Ordinal Scale Kirito & Silica with Their Weapons (Bonus Asuna & Lisbeth OS Weapon). Their damage are over 5.1k and currently at rank 2 in ranking event. Can be pushed to rank 1 easily. Got all event characters and current event gears.

    80 diamonds left from dailies and events. Still have Guarantee 4* 250 & 150 diamonds packages that will have higher change to have 4* Os characters in next patch. Currently , its bugged and confirmed by Bandai.

    Region : North America

    Price: Offer

    I will be available from 10 pm - 12 am PST. Message me for Screenshot and Price you want to look at.


    Click above or Add my Skype manually: SetsunaEpic .I'm a trusted seller. You can always discuss price with me. :)
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