Selling [free] how to damage # and bypass hwid bans on ariesms [no download needed]

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Aria Company, 2/20/17.

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  1. Aria Company

    Aria Company
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    I'm completely quitting MS, so have fun with this!
    I won't answer any PMs about this, so don't bother PMing me.

    Before opening AriesMS:

    1) Create a copy of your skill.wz and name it "skkil.wz" (or whatever you want as long as the filename is 5 characters). Leave it in the same folder Aries is in.
    2) In your original skill.wz, look up the skill IDs of whatever class you want to damage # on and change the damage of the skills to 999999999. If your class also has a passive skill that gives them base stats, you can also change the values of those to give you 100m base stats. Editing active buffs doesn't work. These .wz edits do full server sided damage on AriesMS. I've used them to kill Lotus on naked characters.

    Now do the following:

    0) Start Aries and then close out of MapleStory. Aries should still be running on your taskbar.
    1) Open cheatengine
    2) Attach it to the AriesMS launcher
    3) Search for the string "skill" in cheatengine
    4) Go to the area in memory it's located and replace "skill" with whatever you named the copy of skill.wz earlier. In my case, it would be "skkil".
    It'll look like this before you edit it:

    4a) If you want to bypass a HWID ban, search for the string "BIOS >>" in cheatengine and replace it with whatever you want. You'll have to change the string you replace "BIOS >>" with after each ban.
    5) After you've done 4 and/or 4a, close out of cheatengine and start MS by rightclicking on the Aries icon.
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