Sold Selling 8 Top 3 titles, Every season pvp rewards(US)

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rushke, 2/19/17.

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  1. Rushke

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    Character list
    (Characters with nothing of note are listed without any description)
    70 Assassin: s3 top 3 title, s7 top 3 title, s1 pvp rancor, s3 pvp mount, s6 pvp mount, warzone annihilator title(mix of 208/230 gear, mostly 230)
    70 Sorc: s3 top 3 title, s1 pvp rancor mount, s3 pvp mount, s6 pvp mount(mix of 208/230 gear, mostly 230)
    70 Gunslinger: s8 top 3 title, s7 pvp mount(mix of 240/230 gear, mostly 240)
    70 Sniper: s2 top 3 title, s8 top 3 title, s7 pvp mount(mix of 230/236/240)
    70 Guardian: s3 top 3 title, s3 pvp mount(208 gear, s7 pvp gear)
    65 Sage: s3 top 3 title, s3 pvp mount(208 gear, s7 pvp gear)
    70 Powertech: s1 pvp rancor(208 gear, s7 pvp gear)
    70 Marauder: s1 pvp rancor, s3 pvp mount(mix of 208/230 gear)
    70 Sniper: 2k+ elo s8(legacy gear with sniper #1)
    70 Mercenary: s7 pvp mount(mix of 208/230 gear, mostly 230)
    70 Jugg, 65 assassin, 70 sniper, 70 sniper, 65 mando

    60 PT

    65 scoundrel, 65 sentinel, 65 vanguard, 65 shadow

    Various season weapons and armor from every season are spread around on the characters and in the legacy bank/cargo bay. Not many credits on the account, only around 2-3mil when all added up between all the characters. Has full set of dark vs light xp boost armor, earned Eternal Level DvL. Revan Reborn, Exterminators, Eradicators, and a few other armor sets unlocked in collections.

    Screenshots and any other information can be provided via PM, PM with offers or interest.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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