Sold End game account just for pro player 800 ap

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JollySama, 2/19/17.

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  1. JollySama

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    Hi guys i want to sell my bladedancer 800 ap on windrest in eu server

    Founder Pack from beta time (125 €)
    Soul Shield : the best cobination of leggendary soul shield with maxed stats
    Pet : legendary pet with the max evolution on final stage ( max that you can reach )
    Premium : rank 10 (max) with 40+ days still active
    Wardrobe : 130+ outfits
    Skills: All hogmoon skills unlocked
    Achiviement : 3000 achiviement points
    Weapon and accessory : Legendary weap stage 6 with best gems , legendary necklace and legendary ring.
    AP : 800
    Gold :300 + ( enough for the change nick )
    Other things: all invenctory and vault have all slots unlocked, so much op gems if you want to build another charac, so much exchangable items for new contents ( you need just to exchange ) and other things for sell and make money
    The character is with end game gears so you can easily do some dungeon in solo and go with the best player of eu servers ( 800+ ) for the rest dungeons for be rich and take what you want.

    I would to sell or exchange only for league of legends account ( OP account '' all champs and so much skins'' ) or tera account ( op account with end game gear )

    Pm me for info or offer.
    Have a nice day!!
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