Possible "Legit" way to get free pizza

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by OblongKilm, 2/19/17.

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  1. OblongKilm

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    I'm sure somebody somewhere has already tried this before or said it. But I thought I'd shoot it around and see if it sticks.

    So basically. Use any pizza account that will give you a free pizza.
    Make sure you have some legit orders or have had a free pizza in the past(recent past guys)
    Also make a few addresses in advance a few days or weeks so it looks like there have been other people ordering pizzas on your account
    Call up, Email or whatever Dominoes and say you had a free pizza and when you went to use it it was gone. Say you think it has been # and stolen and you are angry about it. BS it until they give you a pizza.
    Then after you order it have it delivered to your house.
    Eat it or whatever but about 5 or so minutes later call the store and complain it was bad in some way that would warrant another pizza.
    Get your second pizza and enjoy.

    Could this work more than once? Maybe complain at a few different stores and get more free pizza? Does it even work?
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