Selling EU-Server Account for Android Lvl 139 Maxed Castle 21 mill Gold 300 Gems 19 Epic Blings 1 Tier 4 4* Pet Lots of 4* and 3* Tier 4 Pets 31 Epic FBA 25 4* FBA 37 3* FBA 79 Bling FBA Cape Spectacular Dfs(36): Kachina Featherplate+ 102/105 Moonlit Gloryplate+ 101/105 2x Twilight Carpace+ 95/105 & 38/100 Haoma Robes+ 98/105 (with Set Bling) 2x Primal Alphamail+ 102/105 & 97/105 Eye of Tiamant+ 98/105 Kings Combatgear+ 99/105 Phoenix Ward+ 101/105 Protean Spirulguard+ 101/105 Which Doctors Wargear+ 102/105 Venemous Vanguard+ 94/105 Forsaken Firesheath+ 96/105 2x Harmonic Battlegear+ 45/105 & 1/105 Sharpwing Splitorbes 1/105 Mystic Mantle 75/105 Forsaken Firesheath 94/105 Prehestoric Huntsguard 98/105 Pyrewind Archmail 94/105 Venemous Vanguard 97/105 Jurassic Scalemail 94/105 Which Doctors Wargear 94/105 Phoenix Ward 95/105 Primal Alphamail 92/105 Moonlie Gloryplate 93/105 Protean Spiralguard 92/105 Keepers Gemplate 99/105 Kachina Featherplate 99/105 Haoma Robes 96/105 Kings Combatgear 100/105 Eye of Tiamant 100/105 Soulbound Scalemail 96/105 Jugongs Air 96/105 Twilight Carpace 100/105 Df Materials: 17 Dragon Horns 15 Dragon Crystals 14 Dragon Coins 11 of there red perls (dunno their name) 9 Dragon Pearls 8 Dragon Tears 2 Dragon Feathers 1 Dragon Soul 1 Dragon Stone Pm me on Line for pics or offers: kevingao76