I got bored of this account and decided to sell it. Still story left to do. At Zolaad Currently. Arena is not complete but good for someone who doesnt have alot of money and want to keep playing. -NO Injection -NO Macros Straight gameplay. Not even a TMR but as you will see prob not needed for these guys. MAIN UNITS -Luneth 6* MAX -Cecil 6* MAX -COD 6* MAX -ExDeath 6* MAX -Refia 6* MAX (Best healer in game in my opinion) ITEMS -Tickets= 7 -Lapis = 1815 -Gil = 177063 -Cactuars = 17+15 in mailbox -2 x Trust Moogles -Some pots -416 ENERGY PROGRESS (SEE PIC BELOW) ARENA NOT COMPLETED UNITS LUNETH You guys with TMRs could probably do some crazy stuff with this guy. PRICE: $ 25.00 (USD) PAYPAL ONLY FRIENDS & FAMILY OR PAYMENT WILL BE RETURNED ACCOUNT: Linked to dummy facebook account. Account details will be sent once payment is received. NOTE: I am on EASTERN TIME. If I do not respond right away please be patient as I work during day but I will respond ASAP!