Selling Selling Rank 278 EN Whale Account

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shalissa, 2/19/17.

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  1. Shalissa

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    Have lost interest in the game and am hoping to sell this account.

    SRs have been idolized and sold in the past but teams are still quite strong.

    The account contains now unobtainable cards including:
    -Movie SR Honoka
    -Ice Skating SR Maki
    -Present SR Nico
    -English Release DVD UR Promo Honoka

    Asking price is $2000 AUD as a lot of money has been sunk into the account, lowest price is $1700 AUD - Payment expected through PayPal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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