Sold Selling Selling 1.2M Might Assasian l 100$ l S62 l VIP 5

Discussion in 'Taichi Panda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by orelqr, 2/17/17.

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  1. orelqr

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    Selling a 1.2M Might assasian Charcter, S62 For 100$

    The account has overall nice stuff, Deadly mark, rare skills or all the pets, everything is orange :P
    same with gear, oranage and ancient arbitutes on everything.
    Everything is ref 10 except a ref 6 ancient armour, Myr Ring Ref 12, Champ bracers ref 10, champ helm ref 10, champ weapone ref 10, myr boots ref 10, champ neckle ref 10,
    pets : Hadas Lvl 100, Evo 15
    Sun wukon : Lvl 100, Evo 15
    Nezha Lvl 100 Evo 15
    Borik Lvl 100 Evo 13
    Spirit maden Lvl 100 Evo 14,
    Other pets at high evo and high lvl - Dingus, Earth Guardian,
    Tank Mount Tier 2 Lvl 45
    The charcter has now 9K Diamonds
    For more info you can add me on skype : OrelTal2
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