Selling LVL 105, 41k gems! VIP9 very cheap -> make offer

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vektor, 2/17/17.

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  1. Vektor

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    All heroes power 765K but can easily be much more.
    Grand arena all 3 teams 80K+
    41k in gems at your free disposal !!!!!!!!
    85mil in coins
    Outland portal all completed in 3stars
    ALL advanced instances are level 9 3stars
    War hall lvl5
    training field lvl 34
    ...and much, much more gears , reels and stuff to boost other heroes at your choice !!!

    will sell to best offer.

    have not got time to play in last month so have accumulated a lot of gems and need to sell this account.
    Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-23-47.jpg Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-24-00.jpg Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-24-22.jpg Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-24-34.jpg Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-24-47.jpg Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-24-59.jpg Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-37-00.jpg Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-37-16.jpg Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-37-43.jpg Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-37-59.jpg
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