Selling Selling [Klai] Team level 50, Very high Attribute Warlock

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ryanrms, 2/16/17.

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  1. ryanrms

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    312 Wiz3/Ele3/Lock - lv 80 magic missile, 90 frost cloud, 80 dark theurge
    277 Archer2/QS3/SR2 (job lvl 14) - lv 50 attributes
    240 Fencer 2
    224 Bokor/PD - High cleric, bokor attributes
    231 Squire 2

    Team level 50, made up of other level ~200s

    Most of the characters have premiums hairs (some of them multiples), as well as eye/hair colours.
    Obviously being <317 means no practonium has been claimed, but the warlock is very close, so that is a potential ~40mil to be gotten easily.

    PM me here or add xxpandemic on skype and we can chat about selling this :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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