Sold Selling Selling Level 58.67 Musa and 58 Sorc Full Tri Boss gear NA same account

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by touzong, 2/16/17.

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  1. touzong

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    Detailed Informations
    - TRI Boss Gear, TRI Kzarka, TRI Dande, 2 x DUO Witch, 2 x DUO MoS, TRI Belt of Shultz, DUO Necklace of Shultz
    - heidel:220 Million Silver (with 180m of good stuff if you wanted to just sell for silver) altinoval: 5m 24m of mats
    - 5 x Pets lvl 10
    - all tier 1 but tier 3 penguin
    - Tier 7 Horse with drift, inst. acc., sprint, charge. 14 skills all together with Trina horse gear set
    - cp 185
    - energy 248
    - pearls 9596 (well get 1000 more or a polar bear once friend reaches 30)
    - 5220 loyalties

    Usefull stuff
    - 2x Armstrongs Skill Guide (1 Day each)
    - Cliff's Skill Add-on Guide (1 Day)
    - Sealed Book of Combat (7 Days)

    - 58.67 Musa (main) 200/202/263 stats/Wilderness outfit/marine outfit/shark costume/noel costume (32 breath and health) (prof 9 cooking and prof 2 processing) -
    951 weight with value pack on
    - 58 Sorc with Cartian and Lumik outfit (Master 3 gathering and prof 6 processing) (also 32 on breath and health)
    - 56 Maewha
    - 55 Warrior Bern outfit (31 breath)
    - also 36 gaint 45 ranger and wizard if you care for them (gathering alts)

    - musa is main but because Sorc is also 58 with the same breath and health. You can also main sorc if u wanted to. Just switch the gears over. So your getting like two accounts for 1.

    - Well give both Email and Password for the account and the Gmail.

    - Thinking about $600-$800 but that might be a bit to much I don't know. Even if the price you offer might be a bit low w.e pm a good offer that you can afford. (Note PayPal only) PS: skype: touzong.vang if you wanna add me there and offer there ~

    - I got no more time to play. College life is to much of a hassle.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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