[Ranting101] Activision made 3.6Billion dollars in microtransaction sales in 2016

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by senpairuler1, 2/14/17.

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  1. senpairuler1

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    So GreedyVision had made 3.6Billion dollars with those shitty supply drops that kids and youtubers pay money for. It has been said that supply drops are here to stay and will never go away. Ontop of the $100 (in most countries) they charge, they want to make the game ******* pay to win so all the kids go and buy their cod-shitty-points. It has been announced that sledgehammers game will be returning back to its "traditional roots". However, I see this as a false claim because the traditional roots of the game does not have supply drops. They never had cosmetics or any other bullshit that you had to pay for. Unfortunately this is future and money is the #1 priority to any company. They must keep their shareholders happy.

    Overall, they're killing CoD (it was already dead tho). By paying Youtubers to advertise their shitty supply drops, especially *cough, cough* tMartn, it lures innocent kids (most of them get manipulated by a faggot) to purchasing those CoD points. It won't stop because Activision pays them Thousands upon thousands to advertise this bs. It's basically a bribe, nobody will advertise the game for "free" without something in return.

    COD is taking a turn, a big turn. I hope it ends in the trashcan soon and the Franchise dies. I've never seen such a greedy company, they ruined MW;R then they ruined IW and now they're going to ruin every other game that comes out. Back to pirating it is, they don't even need my money to live. 3.6Bil in 2016 from MicroTransactions but can't even have stable servers or a STABLE game! They can't even make a game that's bug free with no exploits and then they start banning people for abusing an exploit that was in the game. I'm sure everyone will abuse an exploit once they know how to do it.

    What do you guys think about COD, will it ever redeem itself or will it go to the trashcan soon?
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