Selling Selling Star citizen account with $405 - aegis vanguard lti and other ships - veteran

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Brankus, 2/14/17.

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  1. Brankus

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    The total value of the account is $405 that's the price of the ships added in total.

    Currently, have the:

    • Cutlass black
    • M50 - Package
    • Super hornet

    and $25 in the wallet

    Also, a fish tank with fish and includes various free hanger flair.

    I have 1 buy back available, they reset every year in January so you will be able to try the different ships.
    In the buyback I have:

    • Package Redeemer LTI
    • Khartu Al Scout
    • Sabre Comet
    • Package Avenger
    • Cutlass Blue
    • Package Constellation Andromeda

    You have the option to choose between these ships and the current ships.

    I am open to offers looking to get $300 that's a saving of $105 and the price of these ships will go up.
    I am only interested in Paypal transactions, not trades or bitcoins.
    This is a legit sale - Please message for any questions I can also talk on Skype if required.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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