Sold Account with 8 chars, Legendary Mount, Fully upgraded gear and MORE!!

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dankeykang777, 2/14/17.

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  1. dankeykang777

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    Guardian Fighter, Dragonborn Race, LVL 70
    Total Item Level: 2607(without enchants)


    PVP Gear:

    [Elemental Lionsmane Executioner Helm]
    [Elemental Lionsmane Executioner Breastplate]
    [Elemental Lionsmane Executioner Gauntlets]
    [Elemental Lionsmane Executioner Sabatons]
    [Rosegold Duelist Ring]
    [Rosegold Duelist Ring]

    PVE Gear:

    (SKT Relic Weapons)
    [Rusted Shieldbearer's Longsword]
    [Rusted Shieldbearer's Shield]

    [Prestige Executioner Helm]
    [Prestige Executioner Breastplate]
    [Prestige Executioner Gauntlets]
    [Prestige Executioner Sabatons]
    Drowned Longsword(Legendary)
    Drowned Shield(Legendary)

    Artifact Gear:

    Lostmauth's Hoard Necklace(Legendary)
    Golden Belt of Puissance(Legendary)
    Sigil of the Devoted(Mythic)
    Sigil of the Great Weapon(Mythic)
    Kessell's Spheres Of Annihilation(Mythic)
    Lostmauth's Horn of Blasting(Mythic)


    Goat(Epic) + Ring of the Looyal Avenger, Necklace of the Loyal Commander and Girdle of the Striker.

    Erinyes(Rare) + Necklace of the Loyal Commander, Sowrd Knot of the Loyal Defender and Girdle of the Loyal Defender.


    Axe Beak(Epic 110%) +2,000 Armor Penetration
    Stormraider Clydesdale(Epic 110%) +2,000 Movement
    White Owlbear(Epic 110%) +2,000 Recovery
    Yeth Hound(Epic 110%) +2,000 Deflection

    Hell Hound(Rare 80%)
    Medium Snowswift Steed(Rare 80%)
    Polar Bear(Rare 80%)
    Reanimated Destrier(Rare 80%)
    Trained Grizzly(Rare 80%)

    Amphail Fancy Horse(50%)
    Blue Ribbon Pig(50%)
    Jubilee Parada Horse(50%)
    Winter Wolf(50%)


    Storm King's Thunder 5%
    Tyranny of Dragons 5/7 Boons
    Sharandar 100%
    Dreadring 100%
    Ice Wind Dale 100%
    UnderDark 100%
    The Maze Engine 100%
    Elemental Evil 100%

    Great Weapon Fighter, Half-Orc, LVL 70
    Total Item Level: 2452(without enchants)


    PVE Gear:

    [Dusk Raid Sallet]
    [Dusk Raid Scalemail]
    [Elemental Drowcraft Raid Vambraces]
    [Dragonflight Raid Greaves]
    [Rosegold Duelist Ring]
    [Rosegold Duelist Ring]
    Main Hand: Empty
    Ensorcelled Mulhorand Sword Knot

    Artifact Gear:

    Greater Cloak of the Seldarine(Legendary)
    Greater Belt of the Seldarine(Legendary)
    Lantern of Revelation(Mythic)
    Sigil of the Controller(Mythic)
    Sigil of the Great Weapon(Mythic)
    Lostmauth's Horn of Blasting(Mythic)
    Wheel of Elements(Mythic)
    Emblem of the Seldarine(Mythic)
    Eye of Lathander(Mythic)


    Black Dragon Ioun Stone(Legendary)

    Shadow Demon(Legendary)

    Erinyes(Epic) + Necklace of the Loyal Commander, Sword Knot of the Loyal Avenger and Girdle of Striker.

    Air Archon(Epic)

    Earth Archon(Epic)

    Dancing Blade(Epic)


    Champion's Armored Bulette(Legendary 140%) + 4,000 Deflection

    Stormraider Clydesdale(Epic 110%) +2,000 Movement

    Apparatus of Gond(Epic 110%) +2,000 Power

    Trained Grizzly(Rare 80%)

    Demon Sled(50%)


    Storm King's Thunder 0%
    Tyranny of Dragons 100%
    Sharandar 100%
    Dreadring 100%
    Ice Wind Dale 100%
    UnderDark 100%
    The Maze Engine 100%
    Elemental Evil 100%

    Control Wizard, Sun Elf, LVL 70
    Total Item Level: 2542(without enchants)

    PVE Gear:

    [Elven Raid Cap]
    [Elemental Alliance Raid Robes]
    [Elven Raid Armlets]
    [Elemental Alliance Raid Shoes]
    [Personalized Adamant Ring of Piercing]
    [Personalized Adamant Ring of Piercing]
    Cruel Orb of Smithing(Rare)
    Elemental Fire Talisman(Legendary)

    Artifact Gear:

    Amulet of Valindra's Favor(Legendary)
    Belt of Valindra's Guard(Legendary)
    Lantern of Revelation(Mythic)
    Lostmauth's Horn of Blasting(Mythic)
    Sigil of the Controller(Mythic)
    Shard of Valindra's Crown(Mythic)


    Cat(Legendary) + Necklace of the Loyal Avenger, Girdle of the Striker and Ring of the Loyal Avenger.

    Dancing Blade(Epic)

    Air Archon(Epic)


    Earth Archon(Epic)


    Stormraider Clydesdale(Epic 110%) +2,000 Movement

    Trained Grizzly(Rare 80%)

    Winter Wolf(50%)


    Storm King's Thunder 0%
    Tyranny of Dragons 100%
    Sharandar 100%
    Dreadring 100%
    Ice Wind Dale 100%
    UnderDark 0%
    The Maze Engine 0%
    Elemental Evil 50%

    Account Info:

    VIP Rank 10(No days active)
    Scourge Warlock Pack(ZEN Pack)
    (There are some rare Companion gear on some companions which are not able to get anymore in the game)
    Total 8 Charachters, 6 chars are level 70, 1 char is level 40 and 1 is level 60.


    If you want to know something about the account or characters, feel free to private message me. I have Skype just ask in PM.
    I have this offer aswell on playerup for buyers safety if buyers feel more comfy because of it. Any questions feel free to PM me!

    Price: $115 Dollar
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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