no more time to play, so maybe better for someone to take over SP LVL : 74 MP LVL : 51 8 pulled jobs x8 panel all ffrk cards all pupus x2 10 *5 cards(include lightning,neko,yasha, 2 element force cards etc) 5 Growstars 3 ST 500+ AT 1k+ FT 3,5k magi by now 200+ mystic tablet topping on 3 towers lots of pneuma and materials lots of Consumable item and component i'd say that my account is good on mage class(got all Best Mage Card till now) but my luck is quite suck feelsbadman let me know if u are interested or for screenshot accepting paypal only also dont have price in mind so pls tell urs some good feedback from FFXIV subForum - - - Updated - - - Solo Hash *3 less than 4 mins http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1486909823/jgo7liqt47nwynlmnzh3.jpg Solo Ifrit *3 just now 4 mins 2 s http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1486909868/q8numeab1qbpke5h17xp.jpg Which mean i can go any role for MP