Sold Buying WTB Accounts with Homeward Bound Ayas (Unopened) Event that gave Dazling Daev

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by iChu52, 2/13/17.

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  1. iChu52

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    Im looking to buy accounts that had the Homeward Bound Event , the event that gave you a bundle at lvl 1 if you were a new player that would give you when opened a dazling daeva set plus a box that if you open once lvl 65 it gave you a free DR set.

    Im looking for accounts that have those bundle but unopened and if possible accounts that have multiple low lvl characters with those bundles. I prefer israphel asmo but im open to other servers and faction as well . Price will varry from the server and amount of character with unopened bundles on the account

    I can either pay you with real money , kinah or trade for a better geared character depending on what you have to offer .
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