Selling Selling good acc with 8 nat 5*

Discussion in 'Monster Super League Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xtremerr, 2/13/17.

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  1. xtremerr

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    i am Selling my MSL account that has 8 nat 5* and etc will list the worth while ones

    NAT 5*

    Fire Arthur x2
    Fire Valkyrie
    Water Persephone
    Wood Nightmare
    Wood Arthur x2
    Wood persephone

    NAT 4*

    Light Anubis
    Dark Mona x2 and both has square rune
    Light victoria 6*
    Dark Gatito has square rune
    Fire Vamp has sqaure runes
    pebbol x4
    wood/fire/water hana evo2

    and many more 4*

    1.6m gold
    274 gems

    ADD ME ON SKYPE: Xtremerr or PM me with offers
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