Price = £700 Account Details: This account is a high end crafter and gatherer, capable of easily crafting 4★ items. Able to make 50 mill+ in a week if you know how to work the crafts and market. The account is inactive but is ready to be resubbed anytime within the customer's request, I can show you the account before you buy if interested through Skype. I am the original creator and owner of the account Carefully cultivated account with no illegitimate records 2100+ Hours put into account: Contains full on penta-melded gear ready to craft 4★ with ease, contains all crossclass crafting abilities Owns Heavensward DLC Main questline is just after Nidhogg Trial fight patch 3.3 (An End to the Song) Master Blacksmith and Master Alchemist title Owns an apartment and decorated free company room Contains the 1 million MGP mount! Fenrir 4 Retainers worth of stuff Has 134 Mill in inventory! Decent gear for dungeons 220+ Able to transfer to different regions NA/EU/JPN Notes: High rank within Free Company stationed in excellent location This account is inactive and is ready to change user email/security password at anytime. Why Simply because I do not have the time to maintain this account anymore and I think it should go to better hands. None of the Gil on this account is bought or sold so need to worry about ban Grab it while you can! Massive Gil in account and master craftsman! It can be hard to trust a new account so feel free to set up a middleman from moderators. For any further questions please feel free to contact me ^-^