As the tittle says i looking for a work! Or yea something i can earn a little bit off money on. I'm good at editing and i'm a good coder! Have been making #/scripts before! I have worked with paypal accounts and ebay and ebook before! I'm learning new stuff fast! I do have skype teamspeak *******! Oh yea one more thing i know pretty much about bitcoin mining and dogecoin mining and things like that! Info How old are you?: 23. Where are you from?: Sweden. How long are you able to work?: Well i'm online almost 24/7. Have you been working on internet before?: Yes i have. What are you willing to do?: Almost everything. Do you have a bank/credit card/phone?: Yes i have all. How much do you want to earn?: It can be from $1 to $500 / i dont rly care! So yea if someone have a work for me add me on skype: LemonONmpgh