Sold Selling 4x60 8x50 250ilevel Monk ready for you to fight

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by besukhov, 2/12/17.

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  1. besukhov

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    Hello, I'm the original owner,
    Account has 4x 60, Paladin,Monk,Dragoon,Summoner-Scholar (updated) Rest 8 are 50
    Account is for PC, if you buy ps4 license, you can play it on ps4 too and bonus: It's also steam
    It's easier to level them to 60 since there is %50 xp bonus
    Account is EU but game is not region locked, you can play in any country and also you can transfer it to any server. It contains:
    Monk's item level is 250, You ready for StormBlood ?
    1x Fantasia for you to change your apperance
    Immortal Flames Second Flame Lieutenant
    Rank 10 Chocobo
    2.0m gil
    Flying is unlocked in all areas
    Most of the side quests and all class quests are complete due to the level range of classes.
    Game time remaining: 33 days from 12.02.2017
    A Realm Reborn and Heavensward Main Story completed up to patch 3.1 (to the quest "As It Once Was") for you to keep up with the story.
    You can feel free to message me.

    [FONT=Arial][B][FONT=inherit]I prefer using playerup,
    My PA Profile: [URL=''][/URL]
    Link of the account: [URL='!128065695/']!128065695/[/URL][/FONT][/B][/FONT]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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