Selling Selling Wts tsw grandmaster (lifetime) account - $100 usd paypal - reputable seller

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xxslaughterhousexx, 2/11/17.

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  1. xxslaughterhousexx

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    Pretty simple guys. I have a grandmaster (lifetime) account for TSW for sale. Character is nothing to write home about, pretty sure he's in QL10 Blues and has cleared every elite dungeon but facility.

    There is a motorcyle purchased from the cash shop. The account also THE PARK purchased, which means the 10.9 Yellow Talismans. Has all pertinent items from veteran shop already purchased.

    Around 4700 Funcom Points currently.

    Price is $100 firm USD via Paypal gift. Any other offers will be ignored. Please don't contact me until you're ready to purchase. I will not hold the account. I am not interested in trades.

    Please contact me on Skype as the private messages on this site are not something I check.

    Skype: xxslaughterhousexx

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