Sold Selling Account with 850 CP 12 maxed chars. Form emps and everything.

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Goingtoquit, 2/11/17.

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  1. Goingtoquit

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    Due to me having no more time to play this game, im selling my ps4/Eso account.

    I can provide screenshots for those who are interested.

    12 charachters as followed:
    High elf sorc AD
    High elf nightblade AD
    Dark Elf DK AD
    Breton templar AD
    Khajit nightblade AD
    Redguard templar AD
    Nord dragonknight AD
    Redguard Nightblade AD
    Redguard dragonknight AD
    Orc sorc AD
    Dark elf dragonknight DC
    Khajit nightblade DC

    Most of these chars are equipped with their individual gold gear. I have BiS gear for them. Got all maelstrom weapons sharpened(except ice staff). Theres former emps and flawless conquerors in there. Couplz of high pvp ranks.

    Still have 1.5m gold and another 2m in items(which arr tradeable ofcourse). 10m AP sitting across these chars.

    1.1k crowns to be spend. 3 months eso plus left. I basically bought alot of stuff in the crownstorr(mount-wise, costumes) so it would be alot to state them all here.
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