Sold Selling [NA] HOT 7 toons fully 80 elite specs (ascended) + exotics on all toons check

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by princeakeem, 2/10/17.

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  1. princeakeem

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    Selling a 4 yr old account of GW2 decided it was time for me to go.

    I have 7 toons fully HOT ELITE SPECS so you have 7 slots. Full HOT key + original key legit.

    I have an ebay account with 200 + pos transactions + on top of which a playerup account + on top of that other feedbacks from numerous feedbacks. I am more than trustworthy.
    One thing before we even start talking i am not certain how to proceed for the payment cause paypal is very sketchy with the claims and everything. I don't feel protected at all. I closed my PP account for that purpose 3 months ago.
    Anyhow. There's always a way to work things out ! Safely on both sides.

    My account is original 1 only owner . This is why i won't post pic until it's REALLY SERIOUS. I don't want to compromise anything here.

    1. fully ascended armor berserker

    2. fully exotic # pu mesmer dire gear chronomancer

    3. fully exotic elementalist

    4. fully exotic necromancer with some ascended

    5. fully exotic druid

    6. fully exotic revenant

    7. fully exotic dragon hunter

    I have a lot of ascended rings in the bank. The bank itself has 2 slots total.
    Tier 1 of kudzu done (gift of kudzu)

    Lots of dyes unlocked , lots of skins unlocked , 270 WVW , pvp ranks stuff , wings , too much to mention

    Leyline great sword skin
    Glider celestial
    Magitech skin unlocked
    Tuxedo unlocked
    BROOM stick

    Just to name a few i have 2 other skins and numerous ones in game that you can change using transmutation charges.

    Basically This type of account would take you a long of time to grind. This is an instant bargain for the time you will be not wasting grinding. My loss your gain.

    Gold in bank 5G (it's nothing) but anyhow this is the general idea of it.

    Asking 200$ firm for now. If you do quick math it's 200 divided by 7 for each toons = 28$ that's not even the price for HOT. Even buying gems with that price you cannot even get 10% of all you get here.
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