BIS i270 White Mage. Have A12S body and cane. Also have A12S caster body. i254 SMN and i240 PLD Crafters have all books unlocked and fully melded Ironworks gear. All are roughly i185+ (a few are missing Ironworks weapon and/or offhand). WVR/LTW/CRP Specialist currently 4 Retainers full of mats, 1 Retainer full of glamour gear. Amalj'aa 1.Neutral, Sylphs 2.Recognized, Kobolds/Sahagin 4. Trusted, Ixal/Moogles/Vath/Vanu Vanu 7.Sworn 2x A9S Pages, 3x A10S Pages, 7x A11S Pages, 4x A12S Pages Have A4S Mount, A8S Minion, and A12S Mount. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1486703379/qvwhvn6azhj6dwagohfk.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1486703379/ekltwjapvesyfxnhxoqi.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1486703378/dcitpg73iqu5tyg3fzmz.jpg