Sold 7 Level 50's Former Emperor 585 CP - 1 mil+ gold

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kaskayde, 2/9/17.

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  1. Kaskayde

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    Account is from Beta, and is Imperial Edition.

    2000 crowns on account. Also has pre-order bonus, allowing you to make a character with any race on any alliance.

    7 Level 50 Characters:

    DC Dunmer Dragonknight, Alliance Rank 37, Former Emperor, max horse speed, Max Undaunted

    DC Khajit Templar, AR 24, Max Undaunted, maxed out horse, all crafts maxed.
    DC Dunmer Sorceror, AR 10
    DC Bosmer Nightblade, AR 15
    DC Altmer Sorceror, AR 17, Max Undaunted
    DC Altmer Templar, AR 18, Max Undaunted
    EP Altmer Sorceror, AR 11

    All crafts maxed, almost all traits researched (some on blacksmithing still needed), all basic motifs + Ancient Elf, Barbaric, Primal, Daedric, Imperial etc. This will enable you to get the new master writs.

    1mil+ gold and a lot more in items. 585 CP (just short of the cap, will be capped in a week or so of playing).

    Multiple BiS V16 sets for PvP and PvE. including tons of undaunted helms/shoulders.

    Imperial mount from crown store. Tone of rare pets (monkey from beta, early loyalty pets etc.) and costumes (emperor costume, soulshriven skin etc.) as well.

    Taking best offer. This is as maxed out an account you can find, so sensible offers only please. Thank you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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