Hello, I'm looking to sell my hot elyos sorc With free server transfers coming next week, u can give her a new home if u wish. As bonus, you also get a lvl 50 assassin alt. Price range, i'm looking for about 400 euro. Screensot: full HP miragent, Miragent tome fused with 40 abyss tome, 1% dmg GS Extra Gear in warehouse -1 full anuhart MB socketed (both anuhart and miragent armors are black dyed) -lvl 50 cloth asmo remodel on an alt -3/5 parts of a second anuhart set -3/5 parts of dragon flame set Extra stuff -500k AP UNUSED -officer quest completed (GODSTONE reward still there to pick!) -12 million kinah -pvp stigmas for both trees -3 unused Black dyes -500 abyss HP pots -Concentrated drana -wearing gold 6 months wings -9 months of Veteran Rewards Crafting 499 alchemist 399 cook BONUS Assassin I also have a lvl 50 assassin not geared up for those days when ur bored -80/100 stigma drana quest -3 lvl 30 abyss jewelry pieces -lvl 50 leather asmo remodel skin Paypal or bank transfer, Pm for questions. Thanx