Title Arche Master Sorcery 55/Shadowplay 55/Auramancy 55/Occustism 50/Vitalism 50/Defense 50/Songcraft 50/Witchcraft 50/Battlerage 52/Archery 52 38 days patron GEAR Equipment 3.7k Full bag 150 space Mirage Snowlion with armaeddon gear (From market) Snail Mount [Black Pearl Swimwear] GEAR FULL GHA PLATE/LEATHER/CLOTH Cloth Full celestial Others all arcane Weapon [Deadly Elegance Staff] Celestial (Mitsong T1) Epherium Hatchetblade Cloak Divine Harpoon Cliper (Sails and Propellant) Both Grade is Celestial Farm Cart 10K Honor Points 180 abyssal shard 9 Sunset 7 abyssal crystal 72 Sunstrength Stone PM ME OR ADD ME facebook. OR ADD Skype for more information ty. (Kidsune96) https://www.facebook..com/ai.on.58 Only Paypal Accepted . http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1486635207/jvv3q9gdo3z3bbofdidu.jpg