You have no idea how much fun your game can be when you have a tool like : Seven Knight # Tool v1.2016 Am I the only one who is tired of the collab? Blazblue wasn't bad because the heroes weren't ridiculously overpowered. You nerfed yu shin because he was considered overpowered...took away electrify from school his lightning strike....but KY is way more powerful that he ever was. All these heroes have piercing, status effects, buff duration removal and damage immunity. These heroes make the actual seven knights heroes seem pointless. I spend money on the game, but it seems that it's all wasted when you have overpowered heroes only available for a short time and can only get them one way. I've been playing this game everyday for months and this is starting to make me not want to play anymore. I'm not saying don't do collab, I'm saying 2 things: 1 they shouldn't shadow every sevenknights hero, and 2 there should be additional ways to get them. Global Eudorus