US WTS: E$lvaan Female Not Stripped

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Race: Elvaan Female
    Rank 10 Sandoria
    Rank: 10 Windurst
    Zilart : Complete
    CoP: Complete
    ToAU: Complete
    WOTG: Complete
    A Crystalline Prophecy : Complete
    Shantoto : Complete
    Moogle: Complete
    Abyssea: Complete

    Smithing 26
    Clothcraft 7
    Alchemy 60
    Woodworking 2
    Goldsmithing 0
    Leathercrafting 0
    Bonecraft 0
    Cooking 11
    Fishing 4
    Synergy 0

    Notable Jobs
    WAR: 76
    WHM: 90
    BLM: 90
    RDM: 90
    PLD: 79
    BRD: 86
    SMN: 86

    She is not stripped and has the Orison +1 gear all except for the body but she has most of the items to get it. I havn't t played in about 10 months and Not quite sure how much gill she has on her at the time. I will list some the gear she has below.

    Fylgja Torque +1
    Herald's Gaiters
    Pythia Sash +1
    Hermes' Sandals

    Well she has a lot more that is just sone of the mony studd that I listed. She has a ton of R/ex gear. Like I said she is not stripped. All of her merits are capped except for her warrior and i think paladin is missing a few also. If you are interested then make an offer. I'm not going to add a buyout price because I wound't know what to set it as. Just whoever makes the best offer wins lol
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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