[Selling] ︻┳デ═一★Theresa's RS3 + RS2007 Selling Shop ★[PP/WU/PA/BTC]︻┳デ═一

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by MikeHale2012, 2/8/17.

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  1. MikeHale2012

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    Theresa's RS3 + RS2007 Gold Selling Shop

    About us:
    1.Doing online game business since 2011
    2.24*7 online
    3.Can send any payments instantly

    Selling price:

    Rs07: 1.2$ ~ 1.4$/M
    Rs3: 0.25$ ~ 0.29$/M

    You can use any game coins to swap with us too

    You can verify my skype with me via my LiveChat,if no one replies,then don't trade.

    Skpye1: www.all2gold.com

    Skype2: theresanew95


    what payment i can take:

    1.I am currently only accepting payment through PayPal, Moneybookers,playerup, and WesternUnion
    2.I am allowed to refuse the right to sell through direct PayPal to anyone who I do not deem trusted.
    3.I will not go first to anyone who I do not deem trusted, and likewise you are not forced to go first to me, we can use any MiddleMan or OMM who is more trusted than I am.
    4.You must post on my thread following the layout below. I will gladly send anyone a PM who is trading with me so don't be afraid to ask! 
    5.For PA, I will deliver the gold on RuneScape as soon as playerup verifies the gold - this means the status must be considered "pending" through the PA site.

    Order Forum:
    Amount :
    Added me (yes/no):
    Payment Method:
    How much you need:

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