Selling Selling Unlinked* Custom Rerolling Service! Guaranteed Cheapest! 2.5$ Singles

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kchen112, 2/7/17.

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  1. kchen112

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    Hello! I am offering a rerolling service here.

    ALL rolled accounts will be unlinked, meaning you will have FULL and PERMANENT ownership! Please have a nintendo account ready prior to purchase!

    I am using rooted phones to reroll and because of Nintendo's shadow ban system, those who do not respond quickly enough may have their account give to those next in line.

    How it works:

    1. Join the discord

    2. Post in the discord what hero, or what combination of heroes you would like.

    3. I will PM you back with an approximate quote on price.

    4. When your specific combo has been rolled, I will message you

    *Please have a dummy nintendo account ready so I can link immediately after rolling*

    If you are looking for single 5*'s please join and wait in the Discord, as I will be selling them for 2.5$ each! First come first serve to those who have an nintendo account ready!

    (Two or three 5*'s could take a while, since I am rolling all of these accounts fresh

    Contact me on discord (iShootSt33l #9632), or skype (KevinC_raft)
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