Greetings, This is my first post here and I would like to sell my former main account. I started this game during the Noctis banner and after many attempts I finally snagged one. The reason I'm selling this account is because I rolled a Gilgamesh with some good TMs and I'm selling this account to get some extra money to buy Lapis for my Gilgamesh account. This account is completely clean and you will receive the dummy facebook account it's bound to. I can hop in most VoIP programs during the evening if you would like to talk about the account or have any general concerns. Without further adieu here is the unit list as well as the TMs I've completed on the account. Rolled 5* bases: Noctis, Yun, Dark Knight Cecil, Ramza Troll 5* Rainbows: Golbez, Snow, Roselia 6* Unit List, Max Level Unless Otherwise Noted: Chizuru x3, Noctis, Rain, Exdeath, Refia, CoD, Cecil, Dangerous Ariana (1), Yun (58) All Story Units are max level Completed TMs: Blade Mastery x2, Duel Wield, Sakurafubuki, Excalibur TMs I'm Farming: Brave Suit (37.7%), Blade Mastery (56.9%), Dualcast (0.5%), Black Cowl (25%), Sakurafubuki (53.4%) Notable TMs: Black Cowl x5, Bracer x2, Deathbringer, Champion's Belt x2, Save the Queen x3, Ribbon x5 (Note these are TMs available to farm they are not complete) The account has 670 Lapis on it currently, and I'm still doing daily pulls hoping to get another Zidane. My Noctis is at 753 ATK atm. I can provide photos of the units or we can hope in discord or something similar and talk it over. The current unit count on the account is 167/185 and I've completed all the Trials and Events that have taken place since I started playing during the Noctis banner. The storyline is complete with a few missions here and there left to claim a little Lapis. I have 8 Hero Rings and 9 Muscle Belts. The Colosseum is also complete with the Blood Sword crafted. Please PM any offers. I'm only accepting Paypal, this would be my first transaction on this site and I can do whatever it takes to make this process as comfortable as possible for the both of us.