Selling Global endgame account (ok bsb ysh bsb raines bsb alphi bsb hope osb)

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by is2iu, 2/7/17.

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  1. is2iu

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    I no longer have the time to play FFRK and hence am selling this end game account.

    Account is capable of clearing events and raids with a magic team without any problems.
    There are numerous amounts of equipment, materials, memory crystals and orbs for your use.
    Relics wise I have native trinity, key faithgas for a mage team, and a good base for a physical team.

    Please pm me your offers, or contact me if you need any more information.

    Notable top tier relics:

    Eagletalon XIII (Hope's Retributive Blast)

    Veil of Wiyu XIV (Alphinaud's Aerial Blast)
    Healer's Circlet XIV (Y'shtola's Asylum)
    Ninurta XIII (Hope's Divine Judgment)
    Metamorphosis Claws XIII (Cid Raine's Metamorphose)
    Onion Gauntlets III (Onion Knight's Vessel of Fate)
    Hamelin IX (Eiko's Prayer of the Lost)
    Orlandeau's Cloak T (TG Cid's Swordplay)
    Asura's Rod V (Krile's Tomorrow's Promise)

    Holy Shield XIV (Minfillia's Blessing of Light)
    Evoker's Doublet XIV (Alphinaud's Deployment Tactics)
    Meteorblaze XIII (Serah's Endless Blessings)
    Tiara VI (Terra's Fire Beam)
    Wizard's Gloves XIV (Papalymo's Leylines)
    Platinum Sword T (Ramza's Shout)
    Canopus AMPs XIII (Sazh's Choco-Chick)
    Lambent Hat T (Ovelia's Divine Ward)

    Thyrus XIV (Y'shtola's Stoneskin II)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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