Hello, I have one account on celestial hills na server. There has 4 level 65 which is enough geared. Here the details. 1. Sorcerer Item Level 420, +12 Guile Weapon, +12 Guile Gloves, +12 Slaughter Chest, +12 Slaughter Boots, +0 Guile Chest and Boots, Guile Belt. Noble Moon Mount. Shadowvain and Manor crit acc. Yellow innerwear Endurance. 2. Reaper Item Level 420, +12 Guile Weapon, +12 Guile Booys, +12 Slaughter Chest, +12 Slaughter Gloves, +0 Guile Chest and Gloves, Guile Belt. Noble Moon Mount. Shadowvain and Manor crit acc. Green crit innerwear. 3. Mystic Item Level 410, +12 Slaughter Weapon, +12 Slaughter Gloves, +9 Slaughter Chest, +9 Slaughter Boots, Slaughter Belt. Noble Moon Mount. Shadowvain and Bloodvain acc. Green innerwear Endurance. 4. Slayer Item Level 410, +12 Slaughter Weapon, +10 Slaughter Gloves, +9 Slaughter Chest, +9 Slaughter Boots, Slaughter Belt. Noble Moon Mount. Shadowvain and Bloodvain acc. Blue innerwear regent MP. Bank has some item u can sell or using it. I'm looking for just 70$ or still free for offer, and payment using paypal. PM me or just comment here if you interested. Thanks and have a nice day.