Rank: 325 Box Space: 610 Monster Points: 800k! Can buy Dark Athena immediately when she is out. Best Friend and Present still available. Monste Box: http://imgur.com/a/8kmfz Selling for cheap (I spent over 1K just recently) @ $170, iTunes gift card preferred or PayPal Gift / F&F (no exceptions). I would only go first if you can have a fantastic feedback here. I have a complete Kaede system, Myr, Ronove and Sumire, Ra Dragon teams. Too many possible team combinations to list. I can also consider trading for a JP account with Minverva cheese team. Notable Monsters include: 6 x Kaede, 3 of which are Hypermaxed 5 x Sumire 3 x Tsubaki 2 x Dark Kali 3 x Red Odin Odin Dragon Ragnarok Dragon You Yu 2 x Scheat 2 x Acala 3 x Ra (really good for laser inherit) Sheria Roots Myr with really good subs Krishna with the best subs available Dark Xiang Mei Gremory Eschmali Many more to list (except evo mats and non REM monsters). You can refer to above image link for more information.