Sold Selling Eve ACC. 118 mil SP, 8b+ isk, 4 plex, perfect tengu missile tengu pilot ga $80

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by goliss, 2/3/17.

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  1. goliss

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    Hi to sell my EvE online account/Character. Created 2007.

    118 mil skill points.
    8 billion + ISK.
    Perfect Missile Tengu skills.
    Very good explorer skills.
    4 plex waiting to be claimed.
    Game time until march 18th.
    Rare Quafe ship skins from last years EvE fan Fest. (From server winning the tourney)

    This account is perfect for anyone wanting to get into EVE or for someone who plays and wants to transfer a kickass character to their account. You can use one of the plex to do it.

    Looking for $80 for this account. Good standing and high security. He is in a corp but you can leave and join whatever one you want.

    .If you are interested add me to skype-baner.emett

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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